📺 bad TV is good TV

may 31 · issue no. 1

Hi there!

Welcome to bad TV is good TV — a biweekly newsletter where I tell you all about the bad TV I’m currently watching (and maybe enjoying?) and try to convince you to watch it, too. This is the first (!!) issue, so here’s what you can expect.

👀 Why bad TV? Honestly, because I kinda love it. It’s cringey, it’s cheesy, and it’s just so freaking good. Bad TV is also so good for my mental health. It makes me laugh, even when they’re not trying to be funny, and that brings me so. much. joy.

I mean, sometimes we all need a good plot twist that just makes you groan, amirite?

Plus, ya girl just wants to keep it ✨caszh✨ and not get overly invested in a show all the time. Bad TV is my absolute favorite brain break, which I think we all could use a little more of.

Also, in this house, we watch bad TV and bad movies. So you’ll be getting a little bit of both in this here newsletter. Lucky you!

Okay, I promise I do things besides watch TV. As proof, here’s some non-TV things that tickled my fancy recently:

🌹 our girl (yes, our. girl.) is looking gorgeous, stunning, perfect, etc. etc. in her new promo
🔄 this word game where you make 2 words with 2 shared letters

Anyway. What you make of this lil newsletter is totally up to you. I’m just here to babble about the bad TV I’m watching, and I hope you like hearing my random thoughts even just a little bit.

I’ll see ya in two weeks with the first show up on the chopping block. Til then, I really hope you’re out there enjoying some bad TV.

🇵🇸 Hard to enjoy TV with everything going on in the world? Contact your rep to demand an immediate ceasefire + donate to a food and water fund for Palestinian families. And don’t forget to take a break from your over-consumption of the news (would highly recommend watching some bad TV). Your brain will thank ya.

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